Freitag, 22. Januar 2016

# ebook to analog book - kindle case - part 3

Wuhuuuu last part ! Now i show the most annoying part of this project ... The cutting out of the paper, so the kindle fits in nicely later...


Draw around the ebook with a pencil, so you know where to cut later. Felt-tip-pen as i used is actually not the best option because we will work with glue and water later again.... -.- Also dont forget to draw a circle (i used a bottlecap as help) where the on and off button is. You need it to turn the ebook on and off, and also to get it out of the case again.

Use a sharp cutter knife (oh it's such abig difference if it is sharp or not, i'm surprised every time again...) and a metal ruler and cut along the lines you drew. 

At the corners it can get a bit annoying, you just need to be really patient and cut them freehanded... 

When you cut through some pages you can take them out piece by piece...


And theeeen... just go on with cutting some pages at a time and then taking them out... 

 Then, again free handed, you will need to cut the thing for the on and off button...
Try if the ebook fits in ! You might need to take some more pages out, i took almost all of them, although it was a quite big book.. to get rid of all the paper bits, i used the knife to scratch along the edges... be careful!

Now: Glue again ! Yay ! Mix again glue with a little bit of water and spread it on the inside of the cut out until it is soaked. Use some foil to protect the front pages and the cover, close the book and press it down with heavy books for a night.

I took one of the front pages and glued it on the cut out, and then cut this single page out again, to cover the felt tip pen and stains. 

Wuuuhuuuuu !!! Finally done !!!

Have fun reading !!

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